Privacy Fence Ideas for Your Home
There are plenty of privacy fence ideas for the home garden. If you want to stop the neighbors from watching the family around the pool, then there is a privacy fence for that job. Vinyl privacy fences can also block out a prevailing wind or hide the noise from a busy street. Even an ugly view from the front room window can disappear behind a privacy fence.
At Fence Armor® we know how important a privacy fence can be to a home. Your privacy is important, and not having it can ruin the yard and garden for a family. It is also important to look after your privacy fence and give it the best of fence post protection. With the right privacy fence ideas for the home, you can relax by the pool in peace.
Included on our list of privacy fence ideas for the home is:
- Artificial hedging and a picket fence
- The tall vinyl privacy fence looks great
- Do not overlook a wood fence in the yard
- Fence toppers can add a lot of privacy
- Fence post protection gives every fence a long life
Let’s take a closer look at each point.
Artificial hedging and a picket fence
Often people install a beautiful picket fence in the yard. A tall one can be a great boundary fence with the neighbors. All is good until new people move in, making a lot of noise and looking through the fence at you. You do not want to pull down that fine picket fence, but something has to be done.
Artificial hedging may be the perfect answer. It is available in most hardware stores or gardening centers. Once you choose the right color and size, you attach it to the fence. The results are instant. The picket fence is there, and you have a new hedge with no more trouble from the neighbors.
The tall vinyl privacy fence looks great
If your problem is noisy neighbors or a strong prevailing wind, or maybe you just don’t like the view, then do not despair. A tall, vinyl privacy fence will look great in the yard and help solve all those problems. When you see it in place, you will wonder why you did not invest in one before now.
Modern American-made vinyl does not warp, buckle or fade under the summer sun. It comes in a variety of colors and is a very durable material. You do not need to turn the home into a prison yard; just install one to the correct height in the right place. Vinyl is low maintenance – another bonus.
Do not overlook a wood fence in the yard
We hear people saying wood fences take too much maintenance time or are not very durable. In our experience the opposite is true. While you will need to maintain a wood fence, they do look great in any yard. A wood privacy fence will last for many years and add style to your home.
Wood privacy fences come in many styles, designs, and height choices. You need only put in a few panels at the trouble spots in the yard and design the garden to match. Homeowners grow shrubs and trees in the shade of a privacy fence, while creeper plants and vines love growing on the wood.
Fence toppers can add a lot of privacy
If you already have a fence in the garden but need privacy, you may not need to knock and rebuild it. Privacy can come from adding a small bit of height, and fence toppers are a great option for any homeowner. A big extra here is that fence toppers are very stylish and can add a bit of curb value.
Our patent-pending system for fence toppers makes installing them very easy. You could even do a bit of DIY over the weekend to solve your privacy fence problem. The fence toppers snap and lock into place for a quick job. Attach fence post finials for another piece of style for a privacy fence.
Fence Post Protection gives every fence a long life
What is the point in investing in a new privacy fence only to not add the fence post protection? Every fence, wood or vinyl, comes under trimmer attack, and you need to do the maintenance in advance. Fence Armor® Post Guards protect both wood and vinyl fence posts from trimmer damage.
Fence Armor Postsaverv Pro-Sleeves go on to a wood post before putting it in the soil. Easy to attach with a heat gun, the Postsaver® Pro-Sleeves are air and watertight. They give fence post protection just where it is needed, at the ground-line level. A well-protected fence post is a safe and secure one.
Call us - 888-289-5617
At Fence Armor® we know about privacy fences ideas and how much they add to the home and garden. They will stop noise, wind, and neighbors from disturbing the family. Ask our experts for their advice on your next project. Call us today for all your fence post protection needs.
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