Wilker Do’s Building Projects
Building a Large Staircase. Do’s and Dont’s
April Wilkerson Using Fence Armor
BIG NEWS! My New TV Show with Tim Allen and Richard Karn
April Wilkerson Installing Postsaver and Fence Armor Post Caps & Finials | Fence Armor
Tim Allen & Richard Karn Show - Behind the Scenes at History Channel's More Power
How to Build A Floating Deck | Outdoor Kitchen Part 1
Video Transcript
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
So the last thing I am going to be doing for these boxes is going through and applying a product called Fence Armor. This is just a small, low profile, metal bracket that slips onto the bottom of the post to protect it from getting eaten up from a weed eater. It connects to the post with just one simple screw and this way we can come through here and not worry about the wood on the post boxes getting chewed up over time. Now of course I went with brown, since I have a brown stain on mine, but they do come in all different sorts of styles and colors. So if you are interested I will leave you a link below.
Video Transcript
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
Pressure treated wood can hold up against rot for longer than non-pt wood but to give it even more protection in life i'm adding a Postsaver Sleeve to it. This is a heat shrinkable sleeve that is lined with tar so that as you shrink it around the post it creates a water and airtight seal tell me that isn't awesome i'm now adding one of these to every post I put into the ground it only adds a few minutes to installation but will give the post years of additional life after applying the heat. I cool it off with water and then i'm ready to set it into the ground the finishing touch is adding a post cap which is also made by Fence Armor, these are made from galvanized steel so they will never rust, are incredibly easy to install or remove and will help protect the post even further while giving it more character. They are the only post cap that will universally fit any 4x4 and the best part is you can either leave it as a plain cap or choose from a variety of finials to personalize a fence post, a lamp post, mailbox post any post it's worth mentioning that Fence Armor products are made in the USA and Canada. Find a link in the description if you want to find out more about the products okay and that is how I got power from an outlet way over there to way over there my friends want the lamppost to accent a little pond they plan to install next I think the post is adorable by itself but once it's next to a pond i think it will really come together even more if you're wanting power somewhere detached from your house and I hope this video gives you an idea on what's involved. It's straightforward and even though there is some manual labor involved this entire project only took a day to complete.
Video Transcript
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.