Postsaver Pro-Sleeves
Postsaver Sleeve Application and Post Installation
Postsaver Promo Video
Postsaver Batch Sleeve Application
Postsaver Installer Training
How To Install Postsaver | Fence Armor
A Morning with Davis Fences & The ULTIMATE Trimmer Defence | Fence Armor
Postsaver Installation Real-time | Fence Armor
Postsaver Installation Using A Plumber Torch | Fence Armor
Postsaver Installation Using Portable Torch | Fence Armor
Postsaver Installation Using Heat Gun | Fence Armor
Fence Supply Online Talks Postsaver | Fence Armor
Houston Fence Company Installs Postsaver | Fence Armor
BC Fence Professional Installs Postsaver | Fence Armor
Florida Fence Company Installs Postsaver | Fence Armor
PA Wholesale Distributor Postsaver Install | Fence Armor
How Do Postsaver Sleeves Stop Your Fence Posts Rotting? | Fence Armor
Postsaver Demonstration in Hard Ground | Fence Armor
Postsaver Wrap and Tack Application | Fence Armor
Decks Go Talks Postsaver® | Fence Armor
How To Apply Postsaver Wrap & Tack on Sleepers | Fence Armor
Postsaver Demo 60 Days
How to Prevent Ground-Line Rot with Postsaver Pro-Sleeves 20 Year Guarantee | Fence Armor
Setting Up Your Torch for Postsaver Sleeve Installation | Fence Armor
North American Postsaver Pro-Sleeve Installation | Fence Armor
North American Postsaver Pro-Wrap Installation | Fence Armor
North American Postsaver Pro-Sleeve Installation | Fence Armor
SIEVERT Professional Heavy-Duty Torch Tutorial | How To | Fence Armor
Trade Torch Tutorial | How To | Fence Armor
Video Transcript
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
Welcome to the Postsaver approved installer short film during the next three minutes you'll see why supplying fencing fitted with the Postsaver fence post protection system can save your customers both time and money whilst also improving sales and profits it is an inevitable fact that timber fencing ROPS and ultimately fails at ground level and rotten posts mean scrap fences until 2004 chrome and arsenic preservatives were used to try to fight this problem these are now banned they're environmentally friendly
replacements are far preventing ground rot in timber fence posts by keeping preservatives in and decay out. This system has been used extensively in the USA and Europe since the early 1990s. Postsaver is a dual layer sleeve product that consists of a tough polythene outer layer with a bituminous lining, the sleeves are available in a range of sizes and are easily applied to the ground line section of your normal fence posts. Application of the sleeves is a very straightforward process using the Postsaver gas-powered pro contractor machine turn the gas on and light the machine once up to temperature simply slide the sleeve onto the post to the required burial depth and insert the post into the preheated oven at 350 degrees for approximately 30 seconds the bituminous lining melts and seals the timber surface whilst the outer tough polythene layer shrinks and bounds to the bitumen the post is then removed from the oven if the post is square simply use the supplied ruler to adhere the bitumen to the timber the post is ready for immediate installation by applying Postsaver dual layer sleeves to your normal posts you're creating double life posts which in turn will create double life fencing post saver double life fencing is a premium higher margin product which you can offer to your customers alongside your standard fencing as an approved installer you'll be provided with Postsaver consumer marketing material enabling you to give your customers a real choice whilst raising their awareness that standard fencing simply won't last as long as it used to offering your customers a premium higher margin product in the form of post saver double life fencing really is that simple for your trade pack on how to become a Postsaver approved installer call or email be one step ahead of the competition choose Postsaver less effective fortunately the Postsaver protective sleeve system has been developed as an environmentally friendly way of.
Video Transcript
Hey guys we're here looking at a product called Postsaver and I'm here with the Log Cabin Fence people and we're gonna do a test on this product that speaks about protecting wood from termites and certainly for moisture damage in the ground and any moisture that would get to it so basically it's a sleeve I'm gonna flip this camera around you know young associate here is gonna start working away the idea is to measure in this case we're putting the posts Bill how deep are the posts going we're putting the post three foot deep so this is three foot mark and then we measure 2 inches above the grade line so this will be the top of the sleeve right here it's important you go to 3 foot for post steps plus two more inches for top of the sleeve so then this is effectively that the Postsaver product and they have a 20 year warranty they're saying on on the product and keeping the the posts alive which is which is great especially from termites and the sleeve looks like that you can see the green part looks like olive drab sits above the line the ground line and the rest sits on the post, beautiful, so let's I guess slide it on and see and I didn't actually have a size I just said number six so we're hoping we're using the right one here we're just gonna measure the moisture of the wood ideally the wood will be less than twenty percent right now twenty point eight okay well right on the edge so ideally that there's less moisture required because they want the bitumen to be absorbed into the post as much as possible thank you okay so now the idea is is this torch is effectively is is gonna shrink wrap the sleeve. With the post roll hard buddy there you going good yeah okay good great so that's the end of the applications state.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
All right so you've got a small Postsaver project to do you’re a home owner potentially and all you've got is a regular plumber's torch let me show you how that that'll work it's possible and if you're professional you're probably going to use a soft flame torch as recommended let's get this started all right I always keep a pail of water key here is to move as quickly as you possibly can you don't want the that the flame to be resting on Postsaver.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
Everyone I'm Sean Sykora with Fence Keeper out of Houston today what we're gonna do is show you guys why in my opinion the Postsaver is one of the best things that have ever hit the fence market and secondly how to actually install these things so first of all the Postsaver is a sleeve that has a lot of bitumen material on the inside as you can see and the idea behind this is to preserve the post from rot and decay now science has shown us that the rot zone is 12 inches approximately below sub level or grade level if you will this post if you notice has a dotted line and that dotted line represents where the grade line is so in essence you're gonna have the Postsaver 12 inches below grade and 2 inches above let's show you how this works. So first of all you slide the post sleeve on the post now it's important to remember the depth that you're going to set your post down if you're gonna set it at 3 foot in the ground like we are today what we want to do is measure from bottom of post to bottom of Postsaver 2 foot that gives us the other foot up above now most of you might ask why don't you cover the entire post or why would you only cover the 12 again the sign shows that there's two key elements that produce the rot and decay and that enable the microorganisms to rot and decay the post and that's oxygen and water and that oxygen and water is primarily found 12 inches below grade anything before or below rather does have moisture but it does not have oxygen and without this second element you really don't have the decay in deterioration that most the time you would so let’s take their handy tape measure measure two feet to the bottom you know that's where it's at and we're gonna show you guys how to put this on create a little bit of distance so you're not melting your truck now when I do this notice that I'm going to carry through the process meaning I'm not going to stop at each edge and stop at each edge if you do that what happens typically is you're gonna see there's going to be some leakage of the bitumen out to the front or bottom and top so this is kind of a method that keeps everything in in place and where it should be now what I do after this is we take a roller you can do it with just a typical paint roller or you can purchase a metal roller with the same diameter that works really well we actually prefer the metal roller we just didn't have it with us today so what I'm doing right now is just rolling this out trying to get the air bubbles out that's all you want to do you don't want to press down on this where the bitumen is leaking out top and bottom of the sleeve it's just to get the air bubbles out we're gonna roll that now you can see right here zoom in
the bitumen material even better on this side that's underneath so that tar what it's doing is locking out all oxygen and all moisture now there's two forms or two methods that you can get these Postsaver. The one is you can buy them with the post already or with a sleeve already on the post or you can buy the Postsaver as in singles and do as you need and in this case this is exactly what we're doing here so it's that easy to install these things and the best part of this is that you previously had a post without a Postsaver that had zero warranty on it and now this gives the post a 20 year warranty not bad.
Video Transcript
Hey guys I’m Andy, from The One Stop Fence Shop here in Maple Ridge BC where the exclusive distributors of a product called Postsaver here in British Columbia. It's a patented sleeve originating from England it's been around for over 25 years so it's got proven technology that it does work it's made up of PVC exterior and a bitumen formula on the inside that once heated adheres to the wood post with the wood grains giving it full protection this is a 10-foot post so we like to move the sleeve up to 34 inches because hole depth at ground level is 32 the key of having the two inches above ground is to protect it as critters moisture and bacteria wants to thrive around this point and this is the weakest point for the poster snap so having two inches above gives you that extra protection. It’s a simple installation practice, just soft heat. It helps the sleeve melt to the post and continuously shrinks with an extra 12 to 18 hours even once in the ground. Remember that these sleeves are the only product on the market that will guarantee no rot, the warranty is phenomenal if there's any rot within 20 years a new post will be installed and then to finish it up we use warm soapy water just a force and we're not looking to force the bitumen out we're just looking to sandwich the sleeve to the post. These sleeves are available in stores and online pre sleeved we also sell the sleeves loose to homeowners contractors and retailers if you interested get in touch it's the future for wood posts. Thanks.
Video Transcript
Hey this is Kip, owner of Paramount Fencing I'm live in Longwood Florida hey we're in Florida and we're getting ready to do something we're getting ready to build a wood fence I want to show you something pretty cool and that's how to prevent your posts from rotting two inches above and six inches below great so stand by because like the colonel always said if you have a need to stick something long in a hole wrap that rascal, a wood post is no different because there's this nice little zone 2 inches above and six inches below this is called the zone in the zone the five factors that cause rot are present. Oxygen temperatures between 57 and 87 moisture content of 25% access to fungal microbial your landscapers blowing there anyways and wet/dry cycles if you don't your post will simply just rot off so all you need is one of these can you feel the burn and a little of that that's what it's all.
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Hi this is Chris Caruso with Cosurac Distributors here to demonstrate putting a Postsaver on one of our 4x4 posts so here we have a 4x4 pressure-treated post that's 8 foot long we've determined that our ground line will be at 27 inches and therefore our top of sleeve will be at 29 inches so what the Postsaver is going to do it's a great product it is going to protect the area of the posts that typically rots out that tends to happen from ground line to about eight to ten inches or so below grade when we put this bitumen sleeve on there and it's heat sealed you can take a typical pressure treated post and now you can give it a 20 year warranty ah which is one of the best in the business and it gives you longevity especially when you're spending so much money to put your fence install no install your fence what we're going to do is take a tape measure and we're going to mark the 27 inch mark and we're going to mark our 29 inch line in this case now your ground conditions could be different in terms of height. Oh what kind of fence you're putting in that will all determine where you're going to put your sleeve this is just where we're going to put it for ours what we have is a Postsaver 4.5 sleeve it's meant for 4x4 posts it measures right around 13 and a half inches long 13 and 3/4 inches long so it's going to protect that area that typically gets rot and breaks your post we were going to go ahead and slide this right over to our 29 inch mark all right and then what we're going to do we want to wear safety glasses to protect yourself we're going to go ahead and start the torch we're going to apply even heat around all four sides we have a bucket of water here for us and a roller so what happens is is once we're done we want to just go ahead and lightly hit all four sides with the roller just to make sure everything is nice and sealed so I'm going to go ahead and get started, here is our torch. So you're going to just nice and easily apply heat to both sides okay making sure that we don't apply too much heat at any one time what will happen is if you do too much you will actually get it melt on you so we just apply nice even heat to it go ahead if it does catch fire just blow it out and won't hurt anything get a little water on the end of your roller here and just roll the edges nice and easy making sure you seal it don't push out the bitumen too far what will end up happening is you'll start to get a lot of bitumen up past the Postsaver and then it actually doesn't look sightly so you want to try to keep it right at just above ground line there and not push it out any farther all right and that's it so you roll it very simple you got it in water use a torch our sizes come in multiple different sizes anywhere square and round post rectangular posts from four by four to six by threes to six by sixes into eight by eight thank you and I appreciate you watching.
Video Transcript
Hi my name is Tony and i'm here to explain more about why fence posts rot and how to prevent it. Now ground line decay is the biggest cause of premature fence post failure and the decay is caused by a combination of three factors being present in the first six inches of the soil and that is oxygen fungi and moisture these three factors enter the wood and rot your post causing you hassle stress and expensive replacement costs. Now deeper in the ground there isn't enough oxygen so our fungi cannot survive Postsaver is a proven high performance barrier sleeve with over 20 years of independent test data conducted by the BRE, europe’s largest timber test organization our sleeves are guaranteed to prevent rot for 20 years by using this specially designed dual layer barrier system. Our sleeves create a complete air and water tight seal around the surface of the post locking in those preservatives our special bituminous inner liner actually penetrates into the wood surface during application to create the seal. Postsaver's patented dual layer system then locks out all those factors required for decay and they are oxygen fungi and moisture meaning that rot cannot occur now. We're going to look at how effective the Postsaver ground line barrier sleeve is compared to a partial barrier system and a standard post as we can see this post is now saturated with moisture oxygen and fungi guaranteed decay now over time the wood preservative will leach out of this post leaving the post susceptible to rot and decay.
Partial barrier systems such as plastic bags tape and flash bands will trap moisture between the barrier and the surface of the post as there's no true air and water tight seal that's been made now products that you paint on or dip will offer no protection when that post starts to split and crack the moisture that's been trapped in this post will only accelerate the decay compared to our partial barrier systems. We can see how the ground line barrier sleeve has formed an air and water tight seal around the surface of the post locking out our moisture and locking in that wood preservative. Now moisture that enters in through the bottom of the post capillary action isn't strong enough to carry that water to our critical six inches below ground that combined with locking out our fungi and our oxygen means that this post is protected against ground rot any moisture that enters in through the top of the post will be quickly dried by the air and the sun sleeve posts can be installed in all the normal ways including power driving backfill or even concrete and in place in production since 1994 the Postsaver sleeve is a guaranteed way to protect your post and your investment our no quibble 20-year guarantee will cover the cost of replacement sleeve and post in the event of a failure and with our 20 years of independent test data we know our product is proven to work and we guarantee that.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
If you're building a fence or putting any kind of wood post in the ground you know that you're going to be faced with the age-old problem of how to protect it from rotting and I don't know if you're aware or not but most of the rot basically occurs in the top 12 inches of the soil it's fascinating you know you can dig a post and remove it from the ground and you can pull it three feet out you can sometimes see like a staple and a plastic label on the on the end of that post it it hasn't rusted it's all intact and that's because it's so far deep into the soil it's cold and there's not enough oxygen for any rot to get going so where you see that rot happening is in that upper 12 inches it's just the right temperature it's got the right ingredients and bacteria and termites and ants all kinds of little animals and critters they love to live in that zone so what do you do someone has put their mind to this and created the Postsaver which is a really simple sleeve system this is a a heat shrinkable seal it's it's got an oil sealant on the inside here and this actually goes on the post right in that zone where the post is going to be near the ground level and it's it's heated with a torch and it shrinks and creates a waterproof airtight seal and that's the secret that's a secret it's really inexpensive it's a very affordable solution so if you've got lots of posts to go in the ground you got to think about the Postsaver keep it in mind real simple take your post and just slide it in now you're going to have to get the right diameter for the type of post that you have that's clearly laid out you can decide whether you want a regular four by four or six by six eight by eight or round that's all laid out in the selection process but it really is that simple just gonna take this post sleeve and now heat it with a torch obviously my hands aren't gonna be near where the torch is but it's it doesn't take much it melts it shrinks and what you end up with is this kind of a finish you can see that this is on there really good you could if this was a pointed post like a like let's say a round log and you were driving these into the ground this is on the wood so securely that it's not even going to scratch this off so i highly recommend you think about this product it's the Postsaver uh if you if you want to put a post in the ground and forget about it this is the product to use.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
All right guys we're uh here at a customer site we're going to put on some Postsaver which is quite important to prevent rot now they're those fencers who just don't get it and not bagging on fencers because obviously we're in the fencing business but you know this is a 6x6 post which is five and a half by five and a half oh it's going to last you 20 years it's going to last you 30 years how many people are going to put that in writing. That post from this manufacturer does not come with that warranty
so if you put on Postsaver you'll get a 20 year warranty in writing and you know that post isn't going to rot or fail as it always does at the ground line so just a heads up on that you may be getting pushback sometimes from your fencer ask them for a Postsaver it's going to do the job it's going to protect it's going to get a 20-year warranty and it's not that expensive and what's the difference between this post and the same post two years ago well this one is three times more expensive
so isn't it worth putting on a little extra protection to make sure it's not gonna rot um even if it's not in your time and your ownership in your home at least to peace of mind for your next owner of their home.
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All right guys we're uh here at a customer site so here's a Sievert Torch just changing the topic now and it doesn't matter which torch you're using in North America certainly we have I think what's called a 5c threaded portion on your regulator what you want to do is you'll notice this is a typical uh propane that you would use on your barbecue and on the barbecue you're using the outside thread but if you look carefully on the inside there's an inside thread and that inside thread is a left hand thread which means it's opposite to righty tighty lefty loosey so what you want to do is get it in and then turn it to the left which is actually tightening the thread so um that's something to keep in mind when you're working on on this and it doesn't have to be super super tight but I like to get it in a little bit a little bit tighter maybe with one or two just just get it make sure that we're on there okay and that should do it so once you get it on that's nice and a little snug then you got a regulator here and you've got a another regulator here for your torch uh for your flame and then that's your trigger uh receiver so important too that this is a soft flame torch it's got a big bellow so if you have a weed torch or something like that that should do the trick also.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
All right guys thank you for clicking on the link for the Sievert Professional Torch, comes in its nice bag so it's handy to bring out in the field with you we really like to see their torch it's a professional torch a little on the pricey side potentially but way cheaper than most of the other sites you'll find. People use this for roofing they'll use it for all kinds of applications that you may have but obviously for installing Postsaver it works perfectly so in the bag you'll see the torch and the hose of course it comes with a regulator it's got the big bellows there on the nozzle so it gives you a nice even flow so there we are here we can unwind it there's your regulator so again on your tank typically you'll find an outside thread for your barbecue on the inside there is another thread and that's the the 5c thread that you want to use and just put that in there and remember the thread is opposite to what you're used to gas is always the reverse it is not righty tighty lefty loosey it’s lefty tighty righty lucy so I like to give it a little extra tightening here nothing too too wild but enough to make sure that uh we're on there good okay so this regulator obviously would be on you want to turn your gas on and now you've got gas running through and then you've got another regulator at this end so we're we've got regulators everywhere make sure you get exactly what you're looking for if you turn it off here for a moment um you can hear I just press the trigger to remove the gas in here I wanted to show you another feature this bellows is removable so you can buy other fittings so if you needed a different fitting for a different application you could go ahead and remove that and use a different fitting pop it back in and lock it and now you've got this valve is back again so very handy Swedish made excellent quality unit and eventually when the trigger flint gives up you can replace that with a kit that's available on our site as well so I'll get the gas going again here so to turn it on basically you make sure your gas is open on on all sides you'll hear the the gas running so you can adjust this here you want to be about 17 or 18 inches away but the nice thing is you release the gas and the flames off press it again and you're back in business so again excellent torch when you're done you can turn off your gas at each end here to be sure it's all off and then you want to make sure you release any of the gas that's in the line so it's all clear great torch can't speak enough about it we use it all the time, guys in the in the field really enjoy using it a quality piece of equipment.
Video Transcript
All right guys on our site you've landed on the Trade Torch, the Trade Torch is a torch that allows you to adjust the flame by this lever here and also has a starter which is here so if you're going to be putting on a Postsaver sleeve, this is a handy torch if you're I'm going to say doing a a project uh or two or three but if you're a full-on fencer and you'll be using this every day I would recommend our professional torch which you'll see on the other page but this one works great it'll burn weeds it'll do all kinds of other things that you may want beyond the Postsaver sleeve when you buy it from Fence Armor you have the regulator for the USA and for Canada so this will be ready to go it's all set up it'll come in a bag that kind of looks like this all you have to do is connect the the hose to the bottom of the torch and you can use some gas teflon tape it's a yellow just to make sure it's secure in there so we're going to go ahead and connect it to our propane. Propane tank is just a regular barbecue propane tank that you would get you can get bigger ones but certainly that'll do the trick you'll notice there's an outside thread which you connect to your barbecue but you'll also notice there's an inside thread and that inside thread is where we're going to be connecting this regulator so don't panic it will fit sometimes we get calls saying well it's not going to fit and that's because you're used to using it on your barbecue I think they call this a 5c fitting so you would take it here and with gas it's not your usual righty tighty lefty loosey um in this case is the reverse so you want to be tightening it to the left so it's opposite thread to what you would normally be used to I like to tighten it just a little bit more I'm going to grab a wrench so now you've got your hose or the regulator connected there and you've got plenty of room to start working on your application of your Postsaver or whatever it is you're trying to work with obviously this gets very hot
the the nozzle so don't be touching it in this case it's we haven't turned it on so we're not worried about that but there are three ways to get gas here right so the very first thing you want to do is make sure that uh if this regulator if it's fully closed you'll want to open it um right now it's closed we'll open the gas here and we just open the gas wide open then if you turn on the regulator here we'll get gas from the tank over to the nozzle and if you turn the gas here you'll start to hear the gas coming out then I then I turned it on okay so here at this regulator you'll see it turns on then if you hit the trigger and what you're looking for is about I don't know 18 to 20 inches worth of flame so you can stay back from uh from the product but you can control the gas at this level and reduce it here still hit your trigger as you wish so if you want a lower flame um just safe and then you can turn it up as you need so you can see you can get a good uh flame result at this level so again what we did is we open the regulator on your tank open the regulator on the regulator to the hose and then up here we can adjust it and we used our spark button down the bottom to get it started so if you reduce it here you can just have a small trickle. Your torch button when you're ready to turn it off turn off the gas here turn off the gas here and turn off the gas at the regulator and it'll purge and now you've got no gas in the system again the the trade torch as I said earlier is very handy uh for cases where you don't have a large job but you're doing you know more than five or ten using a heat gun is just too slow and painful and you need to have electricity with you everywhere you go so this trade torch is price value.