EXPERT Stain & Seal
Stain & Seal Experts at Fence Training School 2019 | Fence Armor
Avoid a Common Mixing Mistake How to Stir your New Stain w/ Stain & Seal Experts | Fence Armor
Semi Transparent and Semi Solid Stains Explained w/ Stain & Seal Experts | Fence Armor
The Most Important Step of Any Stain & Seal Project w/ Stain & Seal Experts | Fence Armor
Deck Staining 101: A Step By Step Guide w/ Stain & Seal Experts | Fence Armor
5 Reasons Why Stain & Seal Experts Should Be Your "Go To" Stain | Fence Armor
Dive Deeper Into Stain Colors w/ Caleb Roth (Stain & Seal Experts) | Fence Armor
How to Touch Up Fence Stain with a Rag w/ Stain & Seal Experts Wood Stain | Fence Armor
Stain & Seal Experts Wood Stain | Fence Armor
Video Transcript
I guess about five years ago I started staining so this is this is not something I've done forever it's something I integrated into from building and selling fences, residential commercial and now here I am and this is kind of impromptu so I just want to show you this is a truck this is one of the trucks that we use in Nashville we stain out of it everyday we don't have a ton of equipment you don't have to spend a million bucks we got a little sprayer there that's about a $800 sprayer a couple buckets of stain and the rest is little stuff but whose stained fences before anybody, a fence or a deck who never wants to do it again? Stain in the main reason this is easier to clean up it's faster it's there's the maintenance is easier there's no coating with the oil base with these particular types of oil based stains there's no film you don't have to worry about it peeling up or chipping off later so you can stain that fence right there you can walk up and stain it ideally we've cleaned it first but that fence you can walk up and stain it a year or two years three years later whatever maintenance program you want to put your customers on you can come back and stain it again and you don't have to prep it you just go right back over it so that makes sense who's got a question to get me started here no questions all right so what we'll do we'll go ahead and stain this fence panel ideally like I said we would clean it first maybe a day two or three days before but we're gonna go ahead and stain it and I didn't set everything up so you can see kind of we're just gonna move nice and slow and get it done and we'll let you guys stain this fence because I'm I'm lazy I don't like staining. Go ahead. A lot of times you buy stain, it says after you spray it you've got a back brush it? You guys don’t have time for that do you? No you'll see that in just a few minutes we flood coat we flood it on you can write your name in the fence whatever you want and it's gonna all self level out that's what makes it fast so many fence guys are worried I don't want to back brush I don't want to worry about overspray and you'll see we might get them on the
(02:13) truck we might if we had a road I thought there was gonna be a concrete road here right from the fence we wet it down with a water hose oil and water don't mix so we can wet everything down you see we keep a hose wet it down and once you stain in the job just rinse it right away you know brick works the same way I've got some videos I can show you guys where we get it on vinyl siding and get it on bricks we wipe it off rinse it off so I don't want you to feel like it's you can be a knucklehead with it but you can definitely you can you can not worry so much about it so here most people are gonna they're cleaning is a big deep rabbit hole we can go down but for that fence the most practical and cheapest way to do it is to use a little shear flow pump and spray up a bleach solution on it and that will kill any mold or mildew it'll it'll turn the fence a nice white color and if you're gonna go over it with a nice brown or red it'll give you a real nice clean slate when you get into decking we go down a big long rabbit hole you know we can do a lot of different things there but keep it simple ideally we would have bleached said fence about two or three days ago in the summertime now we're back on staining day and we've got an airless sprayer here that's a commercial grade airless and it's about eight hundred bucks if you buy one at retail and that's a workhorse you know some companies sell these big huge trailers and stuff and we bought a couple of them but they break down a lot and we just we don't use them anymore we use these little airless, so so let's get started. I need a couple guys to help me mask this brick retaining wall over here I've already got it started if I can do that real quick this this is easier than breaking rock, spray right over you're going to spray right over you’re gonna sell staining to your customer and they want a nice bright cedar color and they've got an old grey fence you just gotta be mindful that the background is gonna have an effect on the finished product so so for this fence I picked a dark color I hope everybody's all right with that for the for the golf course just a dark color and it'll just be more of a placeholder just to see what we're doing all right stain something that's freshly installed I tell most people if you're asking the question two times right now and the reason is it may be better to let this fence age for six months or a year or two the current condition problem is it'll never look as good as it did when it was new so if we can catch it when it's brand new it's gonna look better in most staining contractors or a couple weeks out so if you build the fence today show your customers time to go ahead and let's get you on the schedule bill them for the fence you come back a week later two weeks later and in go ahead stained twenty-five bucks this is a moisture meter and in Florida Georgia you don't get as low a moisture content as we get back home and Nashville we like to get twelve or thirteen percent here we're probably going to be lucky to get fifteen at 17 percent seventeen point nine you just poke and right around 17% it's humid here there's moisture in the air there's fog it's raining it's not ideal but this stains still going to work just fine it's got dummy lights on it so I even I can use it properly these stains are oil-based even water-based stains when you go to Home Depot they put it in the shaker for five minutes so you just want to make sure that when you open this up that it is all mixed up. It'd be ideal if you had a bucket opener. So that stain probably looks different than what most of you are used to, nice and thick and you want to vortex. There you go that stains mixed up and ready to go. That's a brand new sprayer it probably won't work what you want it to what do you want to bet. Yeah it's a brand new. You just drop your your hose in (let's see). It doesn't have anything in the line so that may be why (low talking). Here we go, nothing blew up. So that's the first first time we've ever used this pump it's brand new. Normally your line is going to stay full and believe it or not how often do you think we clean these airless sprayers? Every time? Never. Never clean them. Ever. With oil based stain they don't dry, it's a non drying stain and so it stays dry and some guys probably do use a mineral spirits or something to clean it out. Yeah, the only time we will clean our pumps is if we use a water-based product because water-based products is you would think that oil is harder to clean up than water-based but it is really difficult to clean up or you can just wipe it right off. We could spray this side of the truck wipe it off and nobody would ever know. You say it doesn't dry, but does it dry on the fence? It will, it will, it's a non drying oil so it's a paraffin oil base and that is a non drying oil but it's soaks into the wood and in what what's left on top is your colors, your pigments, your sealers and things and they are, I'm not a chemist but if the wood grain is a is a porous surface kind of like your fingers the sealers just come right in there and the colors and it all just makes a nice flat surface but there's no film nothing to peel off and you'll see what I'm talking about once this dry and we'll go from there but tips on these things and I don't know how deep we'll go and I can answer any question you've got but we like this tips called a number 521, I'll put it there for the camera 521 that's what we like to use but you can use so many different ones and some of the things that make our job easier for these extensions is these swivel heads. So we can turn this head any way we want it, spray anywhere, up high down low, main part you got your bottom runner you can turn your tip up get that bottom runner anything you want to do and that's about it. Does that line come with the sprayer? The hose? The line that you are holding. The gun and the guard come, and I think, I don't know what these are, thirty or forty bucks to get one of those, the swivel I get one of those too you know. You probably got a extra hundred bucks in the setup here but then it's gonna make you so much faster, gonna make you a lot faster. How long like for your what's your average privacy fence how many feet wherever you guys are from? How long would your average one? Two three hundred. Two, three hundred feet. What about what about you? Privacy fence. Yeah well we put up about five hundred. Okay, your two hundred foot job, a good crew can get in and out in about an hour and a half yeah and with the sprayer and on five hundred feet maybe three hours you know it just depends you know and sometimes there’s swimming pools just slows things down but yeah like this fence if if I wanted to I could I could have sprayed both sides of that fence and been gone maybe 20 minutes 15 20 minutes. I'd spend more time rolling up hoses and stuff than anything else so you can be pretty quick with it and know what way the winds going. May be best to start on the other end and work our way back. Is it a one coat deal? Or you going back? It is a flood coat. So what that means, think of a sponge you know a sponge, it's hard and dry and then you drip it in the water and it'll only get so soft and takes so much once you get that saturation point that's when you stop and customers might say hey you didn't put enough on and put some more and you it's it's saturated it's not going to do any more to now or later. Will it get to the point where it will start to actually run? Yeah, we want it to run. Okay, yep. Yeah, this is gonna blow your mind if you've always done water coatings because it's it's nothing it's not like painting a car so, so let's get started. I didn't have my tip on tight enough. but I guess we won't do the backside, I don't think we can get back there anyways. All right so what I like to do, there's a thousand ways to skin a cat I like to get the top first and a lot of times I would start on this far end but I won't so you guys can do it but I would start on the far end while I was pulling my hose out so I would take my tip, turn it down and just walk and get the whole top. I've got my end grain done, doesn't look like much but it is. I am just going to start spraying. Alright, now the hard work is over. There is a lot of over spray you are going to see with this. It is atomized so finely that you are going to get less visible over spray on the house. When you use this flood coat versus like a low-pressure DC pump or a pump up sprayer. The bump up sprayers and the low pressure they put really big particles, they're splashing and where this is so finely atomized it's just a lot easier to clean up but you are going to see the fog and but once you get a couple jobs under your belt you'll get some confidence. Simple as that. You can do whatever you want, it is not going to affect the finished product. So, who wants to give it a shot? Come on! I tried and I don't know if you notice, but I like to hit between the boards, on the first pass. That's about it. You see how it's running? That's what you want. That's it and you'll get, as you as you do it you'll get better obviously but that staining job when it's done you're not going to be able to tell any difference between mine and yours. Did you get that on camera? Those things happen and that's the main reason you don't smell our stain, do you guys smell all those solvents in the stain and all the chemicals? Smell that? Exactly, I used to go home every day looking like this and smelling just terrible. I would get in the shower, take a bath and it would run down the drain and all those oil based stains have carcinogens in them, they're made with solvents and a lot of really deadly stuff and I decided to make a change and that's why we made our stain without solvents so it's solvent free but it still works.
A lot of people say low BOC all that means it's junk, well it just doesn't. That's not true. So things happen and you just gotta run with the punches. I just didn't have my tip tight enough, cause I am a salesman, you fence guys always say we salesman don't know what's going on. Prime example, been in the truck too long, but there we go. That's it. Do the top like that. Who's brave enough to try it now that they've seen it blow up? *laughs* You going to try to stain some? Yeah, I am going to give it a try. *laughing and jokes* Pull the trigger, Stop, let go. When you get to the top let go. Hit it again. Then stop at the bottom. Again. Just like that, you'll figure it out. With a flood coat you can be tempted to go nice and fast, just slow down and go nice and easy. When I'm going back to inspect a job or something when we're done I'm going to look for a few things, I'm probably gonna squat down so I can see the bottom of these posts. We didn't get those, maybe a few thin spots maybe right there we'll hit it. That's it, it is pretty much done. If somebody wants to finish the back here, we will start wiping the gate handles down.You feel like doing it? How much coverage you get out of a 5 gallon bucket? About 10 foot a gallon. That's what makes this type of system work and really profitable because you can get in you can flood it on and you can walk away from it and you're not worrying about peeling, chipping and you're not worried about runs and lap marks and things. You see a few runs, those will all be gone in just few minutes. And it cracks? You don't have to do from both sides, it'll fill in? If you notice when I tried to hit between the cracks first to get that and when you spray both sides you double it. when you spray both sides you double it. It's really not much of an issue. I know you guys, some of you owners are sitting there going, looking at this over spray going man what's what's going on with that. Over spray is an issue if it gets on a car you can wash it off, as you get better, as you as you figure out how to do it you're gonna learn how to manage the over spray so when I get done I'm gonna walk over there if we got it on somebody's car I'll wash it off and you know obviously this is just for demonstration but the wind looks like it's blowing in a good direction for us so anything on the grass you're gonna see a little stain on the grass for a couple of days once they mow the grass it's no big deal our stains are biodegradable so you can use it around ponds or children's backyards and stuff and you're not gonna have an issue. We make deck stains too. Whole other class but but this right here is a really good way to add money to your bottom line. In Nashville in 2008 you could, 2007 you could make about 3,500 bucks on a 200-foot privacy fence in 2008 you can make about 300 bucks on that same fence. Everybody came out of the woodwork building fences and so this enabled us to separate ourselves, it enabled us to not have as many call backs because this this fence isn't going to warp and twist if it's new and we stain it and so it's just a great way to just give something more to your customers and add more money in you know? Is it playground safe? Yes! What happens to the car that gets sprayed and you don't know it and doesn't get washed immediately? With some stains that's a big problem, with our stain we've got a pump up sprayer over there with de greaser in it. Soap and water will take this off. The solvents are what makes it bite into plastics, not into wood but plastics; car finishes, vinyl siding, things like that, anything painted. The solvent in the stain is what really makes it bite in there and that's what it's designed to do when we remove the solvent we found that our cleanup was a lot easier, hundred times more easy and so when we're done with a job and tacking off the truck if you want let me see something. Just so we do a perfect job, here's where that swivel tip comes in, where those posts are. You missed one? I missed one? Salesman *laughs* That's it. Now we just open the gate up and start wiping the hinges down. And it's gonna be safe as soon as you leave once you wipe this hinge down for little Timmy to come out here and open the gate up and let the dog out or whatever.
What if you get it in your eye? In your eye? Don't get it in your eye! *laughs* Now does it stick to galvanized steel posts, you know this fence has steel posts in it. *Overlapping discussion* Almost every gate frame in middle Tennessee is metal and we spray right over them, just like you saw these hinges. We will spray right over it, will wipe it off box of rags. But if it's a galvanized post or a galvanized frame what happens? Nothing. Does it stick? Well you noticed how I got it all over this? Just wipe it off, it will not stick. I guess if you left it on for a month you know if you never cleaned it you might see some residue. I mean there's solids in this stain and the pigments and stuff but no it won't stick to metal. Anything non-porous it won't stick to. We're 90 percent treated, is it you who asked? Yeah we are 90 percent treated pine in Nashville but these stains work on anything and and you see the runs they're slowly going away and a few minutes the finished product will look like this area right here something like that it's gonna have that nice matte it's gonna look just like the fences just change colors and that's it. I mean you could come back the next day if you missed a spot you're not gonna have interfering lap marks or anything so so it's a pretty simple system we didn't make the whole backyard sink for six months like some of these solvent based stains do and we made on this fence right here I don't know what you would charge to build it but you would charge a premium to come out and build this fence you might double your price to do the stain and you can see we stained it a whole lot faster than we could have built it so. We didn't charge them nothing *laughs* That's not good for business though is it? That's it. There is one metal post on the end that is not covered. Would you just leave it after you spray it, I want to see what it looks like next year? Yeah I can spray it, you want me to spray it? Yeah but and then don't wipe it off. Is there one here? See if I can reach in through. When you spray your gates just a side note you guys probably know, it's good to open them up and catch in there just so it looks good but here's the cool thing about an airless sprayer it'll it'll shoot a long way if you turn the tip around. So I did I put a spot on it so you can see is that alright? I want to see if it is the same color as the fence. Does he? He wants to paint the post to see if it sticks or not by next year. Let's do it! On the galvanized post. It is just going to look kind of brown. You want 50% if it works? *laughs* Here you go, you got a brown post back there. That's it guys! I am new to training, so if I left something out just make sure and ask but this is a whole lot of fun, it's it's hard work because it's hot, it's hard work you know because you got to keep your feet moving but it's it's not hard like digging post holes. A lot of people don't know what hard work is but you guys do and staining is a lot easier so there you go. Who's gonna be the next stain crew? Anybody ready? You said it is better on wood fences? Yeah. You can put it on new or old fences. For instance this fence here has opportunity to clean it so you could come in maybe 15 minutes clean it charge $2 to $3 a foot on a big fence and then come stain it $6, $7 bucks a foot depending on where you're located and your material costs probably be somewhere around two dollars and fifty cents a foot of materials in Nashville we pay about sixty cents a linear foot for a crew to go stain the fence so 150 feet they're gonna pay you know they're not gonna pay sixty cents isn't right it's 150 foot fence cost me ninety dollars labor to have a crew go out staining and we don't work subs we work employees but we pay them like subs, keeps your feet moving fast. Okay guys, well this is the Stain & Seal, we put it on this fence and the fence was really dirty and everything, they were able to spray it just spray it on and it rained like crazy last night it's still on it looks beautiful as you can see. It only sticks on wood and no metal as you can see it wipes off it's the best thing.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
Hey facebook it's Caleb with Stain & Seal Experts, I wanted to explain some of the differences between semi-solids and semi-transparent stains in our stain line here i've joined here i'll warn you by the shop dog his name is Bigfoot and he is here to help me do this demonstration so you're going to notice these colors here this is a semi-transparent stain color and what you see here these are pet friendly stains obviously what you see here is you see through the wood grain you see the beauty of the wood grain so if the wood grain is ugly you're going to see that if the wood grain is beautiful you're going to see that as well and as we move over here to our semi-solid stains you're going to notice that you still see the wood grain and some of these have ran together because we put them all on one sample board but these stains here cover things up really nicely like there's our Chocolate stain it's the color of a dark Hershey's chocolate bar colors covers things up real nice there's our Sable right there and it just really makes things uniform so if you've got sprinkler marks on a fence if you've got uh old boards and new boards it's all going to blend in and look nice so there you go it's a really overcast day today so sorry you can't really get the true effect of that Chocolate stain but it's a really beautiful color and that's it notice it's really uniform there's no funkiness in there like you see with some stains and that's what we want that's what
we're looking for so if you got an ugly fence maybe you think about using a semi-solid color to cover it up if you've got something just really beautiful you can look at something like this Black Cherry color it's kind of one of our custom special colors that we do for some people but there it is guys that's the difference between semi-transparent and semi-solids if you want something to show off a new fence I really push you to the semi-transparent color line but if you got a really old treated pine fence or an old something just old and nasty go with the semi-solids they look great have a good one guys.
Video Transcript
Hey guys it's Caleb of Stain & Seal Experts, I want to talk to you today about job prep it's probably the single most important step of any stain and seal project and I'll just show you what we're doing on this project we've got trees and shrubs everywhere so we've masked this off it goes all the way around the back there through the gate this concrete will be masked with water and because we use oil based stains and stain doesn't stick to anything that's wet and then on this house here in the deck of course we've wrapped the entirety of it in plastic tuck down in between all the cracks and crevices our little box there's been masked off all the patio furniture goes right in the middle of the job and it's wrapped up so it's safe the kids playsets and all that and that big board over there that again is going to be used as a shield to protect all of this area that we're spraying today and those blankets will be covered over each bush as we get around that area prepped, is the most important part of a job especially on these white hardiplank houses with landscaping and concrete and things like that so if you want us to do a project for you like this just go to and we'll help you out with it thanks.
Video Transcript
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum tristique urna sed pharetra. Etiam vitae tempor lectus. Integer sagittis mi id nunc hendrerit lobortis. Praesent congue, eros eget sagittis lacinia, ipsum magna euismod lorem, ac varius enim lectus nec nisl.
Video Transcript
Hey fence contractors fence stainers painters check this out man we do staining we manufacture the best oil based stains in the world they're low voc they're so easy to use so easy to clean up i'll show you a project we just finished we like these graco sprayers they put out a lot of product even with the cheaper models look at that man it just makes a great job just flood coat it on use a big fat tip it's a 5 21 tip I believe oh a 323's using the 323 on this one a little narrower but a bigger orifice so putting out a lot of product let's check this out this looks real uneven at first we want to flood it we want runs we want we want it to look like that but what's going to happen after 10 15 minutes as you see this is you know it took him two minutes to get from here to there look how it's starting to even itself out look how it's uh look at this it's making its change after about 10-15 minutes this stain completely self-levels it there's no runs the only thing you've got to do is get it on the wood missed a spot on this fence we're using EXPERT Stain & Seal Pecan deck stain or fence stain i'm sorry on this fence just show you how it works a little bit get it on your brush start at the top we just like to flood it on there get it on nice and thick it will do all the work for you you don't have to level it you don't really have to back brush anything and uh you just go to town you can be a stain and seal expert too how about that all right using the wrong kind of brush here this brush is made for latex stains water-based doesn't hold much product but just to show you that you can you can use anything you got laying around to stain with this is a Pecan stain on a western red cedar fence the pickets are western red cedar the framework as you'll notice is treated pine it's about 20 20 degrees last night it's about 32 degrees right now we sprayed this a little while ago and i'm just doing a walk through checking it checking it all out making sure everything looks good our stains washed right off the vinyl siding with soap and water or we've got some other stuff a little better than that these metal gate frames you wipe them down you don't mask them off you spray right over them you wipe them down with a clean rag same thing with this gate hardware we didn't we didn't mask any of that we just wipe it off when we're done it's the beauty of these oil based stains.
Video Transcript
What stain color should I use that's the question we get all the time this is Caleb Roth with Stain & Seal Experts fence and deck stain and today i'm going to talk to you about stain and sealers and their colors and we're going to get into some of the details some of the nerdy stuff about what makes up a stain. So let's get started okay guys so what makes a stain blast that's probably one of the most important things we're going to talk about when it comes to color uh choices so the more pigmentation you have obviously the longer the stain is going to last so we should expect a clear sealer to not last as long as something like this Mahogany stain here so i'm just going to start from the top and i'm going to talk about each one of the stain and sealer colors that we offer and what considerations you should have in mind when you're picking this color for your project so i'm going to start off with with the fact that we offer 18 colors anything from clears to solids to semi-transparent semi-solids and transparent colors we’ve got all of the first thing right here this is the clear this top we call this wet look clear this is really beautiful on brand new cedar brand new pine brand new redwood whatever you're using it on and it's a great water sealer and it has some uv protection but it's not that much most clear sealers on the marketplace today are going to last between 12 uh and 16 months something like that it's something you need to redo every year uh to a year and a half it's just a good maintenance recommendation we don’t usually recommend the clear just because of that reason because we try to give our customers something that's going to give you the most longevity so now we'll move into our transparent colors these two right here um this one's called Light Honey and this one's called Cedar Tone these are both great colors they look fantastic on new wood they're probably two of our most popular colors unfortunately these colors what they have in beauty they lack some of the longevity and the reason is is there's just not as much pigmentation in those and you're gaining the beauty of the wood you're gaining all of those those fine details of the wood by using a very clear transparent color but you just don't get the long life because there's not as much pigment what we try to do is generally we're going to recommend most people for most projects go with these semi-transparent colors and they start here these are the names Pecan, Redwood, Mahogany, Chestnut, Walnut. We've even got the Black here that you see on the background these semi-transparents have a ton of pigment there's a lot of pigment a lot of color they still allow the wood grain to pop because they're transparent pigment so it's a transoxide pigmentation system so you still get all the benefits of the transparent stain where you can see through and see all the wood but you don't have the short lifespan you can expect anywhere from three to five years out of these colors they hold up very well so if you've got a brand new fence or even a fence with a couple years of age on it these are a great choice for any projects for fences decks siding things like that so keep those in mind we're going to skip this bottom one here and we're going to come back to it our next color lineup is going to be our semi-solid colors semi-solids we use an opaque pigment system so basically the pigmentation you cannot see through this but we use it different than paint but similar so i'm going to get into that so these are all penetrating stains they go into the wood not on the wood but these semi-solids still do a really good job of covering things up so if you've got an old fence and old deck they work great and if you're mix matching boards they work great for that too or if you've got a brand new fence and you just really like one of these one of these colors perfectly fine you can definitely do that so i'll get started with the Palomino this Palomino is a great color it's a brown with a yellow tone and it works really good it's one of our it's one of our favorite colors here in house it's not very popular because it's yellow but it's a great color i would recommend that to anybody who likes yellows wants a brown without red to it so next we have our Auburn this is a really good color also works good it's really popular out west you see it in quite a few places and again great for older fences older decks if you like that reddish orange look it's really the color of like Georgia clay so Sable and Chocolate these are both these are our top semi-solid colors they're really great basically milk chocolate and dark chocolate is a good way to think of it but they're great colors they're very popular they're dark this Chocolate is a lot darker than most of the dark browns on the market today so it works really well with new modern construction with a lot of the downspouts and gutters and the trim on homes getting really dark and bronze kind of colors this is a perfect match for that it works really well our grays we have four Gray colors available these are for fence stains only we don't make them for deck stains because we put a lot of pigment in there and we can go down a rabbit hole about that but grays just typically are just kind of weird on decks sometimes so so we we don't do that Cape Cod gray slate gray eucalyptus has a bit of green to it and then this barn wood color has got a little bit of a brown to it it works well so what we did with our grays is we wanted a grey that would work both with blacks whites and blues but also work with golds and browns and reds and things like that so you'll notice that these these are really not that blue so you don't have the blue in it it's more of a gold uh a gold base in there I know that doesn't make sense but it's there and when you see it up next to a brown you'll notice it so so our greys tend to work with either blacks or brown so they're a good choice depending on your siding you know you've got all these choices but there's that and last but not least we have these solid colors these are water-based solid colors where everything else that we offer is an oil base this is uh Russet Brown and this is Court Open Brown, these are for old ugly fences simply put if you've got a super old fence that looks bad you've mixed match boards you've done a restoration on it and it's just an old fence on its last leg but you want to get a few more years think about these they work great they're a solid color so there's no you're not going to see through it so it's going to cover up anything that you're working with just like a paint does so maybe that helps making your choice a lot of people are in this range right here a lot of people love this range so take those things into consideration we ask you to please like our page share it subscribe hit the little bell button there and subscribe if you've got any questions contact us there and if you want to get some of these fence and deck stains for your projects don't hesitate to give us a call thanks.
Video Transcript
Hey guys so as you can see it's a beautiful day outside today so we thought it was a perfect time to give some love to this fence it hasn't been stained in about three years and we haven't treated it we haven't sanded it we're just adding some more stain as you can see down below there's a little bit more areas that need a little bit more TLC than up above and it's the perfect day to do it so we're just going to go in with a rag it's all I have here I didn't really feel like going out and buying more or buying $15 to $100 worth of stuff it's not gonna be a professional job but it's perfect for just a homeowner like me so we're gonna dip in and a little goes a long way and the great thing about Stain & Seal Experts is its oil stain so the wood will suck up as much as it needs to you can go crazy I mean your girl loves her creamer and her coffee so just go big or go home it's very very forgiving so instantly you can see the difference and you just keep going in it's not a super messy job and with the cloth you have a lot of control so if you're doing a fence that's right up against the neighbor you can make sure that you're getting only your fence and this is Walnut I mean all the colors in the Stain & Seal Experts line up are beautiful but it's just a beautiful brown perfect for this fence and it's really something on a day like today you could get a podcast going or some music and just find a little bit of peace outside you're doing something productive you're enjoying the weather before the winter comes it's a perfect thing to do honestly and you're not breaking your back I mean i'm 25 going on 45 so we need to rest the back and for little crooks in the fence you got a lot more control because you can use your finger make sure to wear gloves always advised and it's one of those things that's oddly satisfying and gives you instant gratification which we all love.