New Fence Designs to Consider in 2021
Choosing a new fence design for your yard may be a priority for 2021. It could be that the old fence is looking a bit rundown and at the end of its days. On the other hand, maybe you are moving home and want to finish the new yard. Many people redesign the garden from time to time, and a new fence design completes the picture.
Whatever your reason for considering a new fence design, make it the right one for your home. A new fence is an investment. The best fences may stay with you for over 20 years. There are many ROI pluses with a new fence. Make sure you make the right choice to reap those benefits.
At Fence Armor® we know plenty about fence protection. It’s our job. We also know a lot about fence designs and trends. With this in mind, we put together a helpful post of new fence designs for our clients to consider.
Let’s take a closer look at new fence designs for 2021.
Tall fences are bang on trend
A major trend in new fence design for 2021 is for tall fences. They add security, but you need not turn the garden into a prison yard. A tall new fence needs only be five or six feet in height to make a big difference.
Tall fences are elegant and can add a natural touch of style to your garden design. The right tall, wooden fence can be a wind barrier and cut off the noise from the busy street. It can also give you much-needed privacy and allow the family to enjoy the freedom of the garden.
It is easy to grow flowering shrubs and plants against a tall fence. The new fence design will protect against the wind and winter storms. Many people grow raised beds against a new fence. Think of all that tasty salad produce you can get straight from your garden all summer long.
Solid wood fences are catching the eye
Solid wood fences are structures of real beauty. The new fence design can be of slats laid horizontal in the panels between posts, or they can stand vertical and tall. Having the slats tightly packed in the panels offers security.
A tall, solid fence can be the perfect secure fixture around your home.
Privacy is of a premium today. In 2021 you do not want people peering into your yard and using camera phones to disturb your family. The solid fence will give you all the privacy you need to enjoy a summer in the garden. Pets enjoy privacy too. The dog will not be barking at passersby or be tempted to chase any cars. What they cannot see won’t bother them. Cats will relax knowing the neighbor’s dog isn’t going to burst through the hedge.
Solid fences of cherry, pine, or any other resilient wood are beautiful to look at and maintain. Take a look at the options when considering a new fence design in 2021.
Dressing up for a new fence design
Maybe your fence is not that old. Perhaps it could do with a little bit of tender loving care instead of replacement. Often a fence gets tired looking but can still be a solid structure. However, the expense and time involved in investing in a new fence can be off-putting.
Why not consider a bit of decoration for a new fence design option in 2021?
The Fence Armor® range of decorative finials can add style and design where none existed. Even adding fence post caps can transform a post into a stylish piece of décor in the garden.
If you have a long fence, finials will make a big difference. Our accent finials such as Fleur de Lis or the Ball Top Quad will always be in style. For those of you who are lovers of the Lone Star state, the Texas Star Lasso is a proud statement to put on your fence. The Acorn finial doubles up as a flag holder for the 4th July celebrations.
Click here for the Fleur de Lis Finial!
Your old fence may only need a new coat of stain and seal. Every new fence is a shiny product, but an old fence has a weathered style that you cannot buy. The Fence Armor® range of Stain & Seal products gives you a choice of colors for every wood fence.
New fences need dressing up, too, so don’t forget the finials with the 2021 design.
Sustainability is the word in new fence design
Going green, caring for the environment, and reducing waste are popular words these days. In truth, many of us have been doing this for years without realizing it. Yes, caring for a fence and installing a new fence properly are very environmentally friendly options.
Staining and sealing the wood preserves it. The fence will last longer, beyond its 20 years, maybe. Not having to replace it is key to having sustainability in your new fence design. You need not stain and seal annually, as a quality product will protect the fence for many years.
Using wood of high quality and from managed forests is another green option. Ask your fence supplier for American-grown cedar or other such trees for your new fence. An American wood is designed by nature for our climate. Use it for the beauty and style of our native trees in your fence.
Preserving the fence posts will add to a new fence’s life. Our Postsaver® Sleeves are simple to apply and protect your posts at the crucial ground line level. In addition, Fence Armor® Post Guards will save the posts from attack when you are trimming the lawn or clearing the weeds.
Call us - 888-289-5617
At Fence Armor® we know plenty about fence protection. We can help you with your new fence design project. Every fence will need caring for, and our products are ideal for the job. Ask our experts for their advice when choosing a new fence design. Call us today for all your fencing needs.
Shop Postsaver® - Rot Barrier
Shop Stain & Seal - Wood Stain
Shop Fence Armor® - Post Guards
Fence Armor® Decorative 4x4 Post Caps
Post Caps Accent Finials - Fleur de Lis
Post Caps Accent Finials - Texas Star Lasso
Post Caps Accent Finials – Hops
Post Caps Accent Finials – Trident

Post Caps Accent Finials - Acorn - Flag