Keeping up with the Jones' (And Making Your Backyard the Hot Spot for BBQs This Summer)

Improving the backyard for this summer is top of many people's lists for 2021. An obvious and excellent way is to add a barbecue area. If you already have a BBQ, then why not improve it? The backyard plans should always start with a bit of fencing.

Making a backyard a hot spot for summer fun is easy to do with a bit of imagination. At Fence Armor® we like to help with a few ideas. You can fence off one area and keep it for the BBQ cooking. Let the men in there and have them take charge of the sizzling steaks. Other backyard spots can be fenced off for growing produce or beautiful flowers. Keeping the wind down and your garden safe is possible with a privacy fence.

Improving the backyard by installing some fencing can include:

  • Building a dedicated BBQ area
  • Break up the lawn with a picket fence
  • Improving the backyard with a privacy fence
  • Protect those fence posts in the ground

Let's take a closer look at each point.

Building a dedicated BBQ area

Sometimes the barbecue is nothing but a unit by the kitchen back door. Other times you plop it on the lawn and hope for the best.

Why not build a dedicated BBQ area? Every plan for improving the backyard should include one. They are easy to construct, and it can be a weekend project which will keep giving. In addition, you will only need a few blocks, a grill, and a little bit of know-how.

Finish of the area with some nice fencing. It will keep the BBQ out of the wind and stop the kids from falling onto the grill.

Not everyone has a dedicated BBQ area. Why not be the first in your neighborhood? Make the backyard plans a bit unique.


Break up the lawn with a picket fence

If you have a wide lawn area or even a big backyard, think about breaking it up a bit. A few smaller areas will give the backyard a bit of extra style and character. You can plant lots of flowers in one or have a lovely water feature in another.

A picket fence is ideal for doing this project. The fence comes in just the right height for turning a bland lawn into an attractive hotspot. Improving the backyard can be as easy as installing the right picket fence.

The kids can play in one half of the backyard while the adults solve the world's problems over a beer on the other side.

Put your backyard plans down on paper and see how they look.

picket fence

Improving the back yard with a privacy fence

Having a barbecue or any garden party when anyone can look in from the street is not pleasant. Nobody wants to be on show for drivers and people out for a walk.

A quality privacy fence can make all the difference. You do not need one of eight or ten feet; often five or six will do the job. A privacy fence can also protect from the prevailing wind. It can also reduce noise and block out a bad view.

Improving the backyard is easy when you make it a private space.

Privacy fences make great places for growing plants and produce. They offer a wind barrier and can trap the sun on warm days.

Pro series on privacy fence

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Protect these posts in the ground

The improving the backyard plans need to look to the future also. When undertaking any fence-building project, make sure you protect the posts.

Fence Armor® will supply Postsaver® Sleeves for protecting against fence post rot. The sleeves are easy to attach and will protect the posts for up to twenty years. Fence posts also need protection against trimmers and mowers. They can nick the posts and do a lot of damage. Fence Armor® Post Guards are simple to attach and protect the wood from cuts and nicks.

Your fence is not finished without a bit of decoration. Fence Armor®  fence post finials and post caps can be part of the improvements in the backyard plans. They are easy to attach and come in a variety of styles.

Fence Armor Post Guard and Post Cap with Finial

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At Fence Armor® we love those improving the backyard plans. We have plenty of advice for when planning the project. Ask us any questions. Call us today for all your fence protection needs.

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