It's All About the Curb Appeal: Six Ways to Enhance Your Fence Lines
Enhance the fence line and add curb appeal. Any prospective buyer wants to see a lovely home when approaching your property. The fence line is the first thing they will see, and the bad one does not add to the house. If anything, a poorly maintained fence line only takes from your home's value.
At Fence Armor®, we get many calls from clients looking to add to the curb appeal of their homes. They know a good fence line is a must, but they are not sure about getting it right. Adding curb appeal is not something you can do immediately. You must be working on it during the time at your property. However, there are a few enhancements that can work when in a hurry.
A list of six ways to enhance the fence line includes:
- Add to the existing fencing
- Repair and enhance the fence line
- How about a mail post?
- Add Post Guards for a secure look
- Fence finials always enhance the fence line
- Stain and seal the fence for a good impression
Let's take a closer look at each point.
Add to the existing fence
Take a look at your property lines. How does the fence appear? Does it add to the curb appeal, or could it do with a bit of a lift?
We know of clients who only have a fence on some parts of the boundary with their neighbors. As a result, the fence looks incomplete and lacking in security. Adding more fence where needed and filling in any gaps can only enhance the fence line.
A complete fence, professionally installed and well-maintained, is only adding curb appeal.
Repair and enhance the fence line
A falling down, raggedy old fence is not a good look. The poorly maintained fence will devalue your home. Any buyers will only see an extra cost in repairing or replacing it.
The simple task for you is to repair any broken posts or rails. Maybe change the style of fence where needed along the fence line. Often a privacy fence is just the right feature along a busy street or where the neighbors are that bit too close.
When looking to add curb appeal, a small investment in new fencing can make a huge difference.
How about a mail post?
Is there anything more American than a mail post on the property? You can install one easily to enhance the fence line, and it will stand there waiting for the mailman each morning.
With a mail post in place, the buyer will see a comforting sign on your property. The welcoming feature is a practical way to enhance the fence line and adding curb appeal.
Add Post Guards for a secure look
Post guards or post wraps are another simple way of adding curb appeal. They are American-made of American galvanized steel and fit easily to the foot of your posts.
The Fence Armor® post guards protect against damage from trimmers, mowers, and other gardening tools. Nicks, cuts, and gashes only allow moisture damage, rot, and termites to get into the fence posts.
Being easy to install, you can get them working for you with only a few hours of labor. When they are in place, they make your fence look like it is well protected and maintained.
There is curb appeal in a well-protected fence, and buyers will see the Post Guards in place from the minute they arrive on the property.
Finials always enhance the fence line
A fence post without a finial is like a Christmas tree without its star. The posts will look bare and unfinished. There is no need for an undecorated fence post, and our range of finials will enhance the fence line.
The Fence Armor® range of finials includes the Fleur de Lis, the Hops, and a popular favorite, the Texas Star Lasso. If you are not one for decoration, the fence post cap is a stylish alternative.
The finials and fence post caps are easy to install and add the instant wow factor to your fence lines.
Stain and seal the wood for a good impression
You only get one chance to make a first impression. Do not blow it. A poorly maintained fence does not look good on the property. Your fence lines will look untidy and lack a fresh feeling.
Stain and seal the wood for a good impression. At Fence Armor® we stock Stain & Seal products for a professional finish to your fence. They are easy to apply, and the fence looks terrific immediately.
Adding curb appeal to your fence lines can be quickly done with just a tub or two of the right product.
Call us - 888-289-5617
At Fence Armor® we know about curb appeal. Enhance the fence line, and you will get it immediately. Our range of products can help you improve your fence. Call us today for all your fence improvement needs.
Shop Stain & Seal - Wood Stain
Fence Armor® Decorative 4x4 Post Caps
Post Caps Accent Finials - Fleur de Lis
Post Caps Accent Finials - Texas Star Lasso
Post Caps Accent Finials – Hops
Post Caps Accent Finials – Trident

Post Caps Accent Finials - Acorn - Flag
Shop Fence Armor - Post Guards