Did Your Mailbox Post Make It Through the Winter?
Often a mailbox does not make it through the winter. One winter storm too many can snap that post when you least expect it. If your wooden mailbox post is an old one, then a cold and windy winter can weaken it until the post needs replacing. Sometimes it is those neighborhood kids with their baseball bats who signal the end of the weak post.
At Fence Armor® we love a good mailbox post. We know they look good at the bottom of the yard and who doesn’t love seeing the mailman dropping off the Christmas cards? A few hazards can mean the end for a mailbox. Our team put some of them together and the best ideas for protecting a mailbox post too.
Included on our list for protecting a mailbox post through the winter is:
- Protect a wooden post before it goes into the soil
- Maintenance is key for every mailbox post
- Post Guards stop grass trimmer damage
- Vinyl posts are a great alternative
- Stain and seal the wood before the summer
Let’s take a closer look at each point.
Protect a wooden post before it goes into the ground
The worst damage to a wooden mailbox post can be happening where you cannot see it. At the ground-line level, a combination of oxygen, temperature, and micro-organisms meet at the right conditions. Rot will grow and eat away a wooden mailbox post, and a winter wind can bring it down.
By applying a Fence Armor Postsaver® Sleeve, you are protecting a mailbox post, just where it needs it the most. The heat-sealed sleeve is water and air-tight, keeping rot, mildew, and fungi at bay. You apply the Postsaver® Sleeves with a heat gun, and they come in single or multi-packs.
Maintenance is key for every mailbox post
You cannot and should not install a mailbox post in the yard and not take care of it. Like all outside structures, you need to have a maintenance schedule and one you stick to as well. Include protecting a mailbox post on your fence and deck maintenance schedule, and you will not forget it.
Check the post for any cracks in the wood or splits in a vinyl one. Chances are you can repair them but replace a post that is very damaged. Keep your wooden mailbox post clean as bacteria can multiply in the dirt. Cutting back the grass stops termites from getting into the wood to lay any eggs.
Post Guards stop grass trimmer damage
When cutting back the grass and weeds from around the post, you must be very careful. The mower will not get in that close, so the grass trimmer will finish the work. A big problem here is that the grass trimmer cord will cut and slice the wooden mailbox post, taking off the protective outer layers.
Applying Fence Armor® Post Guards is a guaranteed way of protecting a wood or vinyl post. Made from North American galvanized steel, these Post Guards will not rust, break or buckle when in place. When you trim back the grass and weeds, the cord will hit cold steel, not the mailbox post.
Vinyl posts are a great alternative
How often have you seen a wood fence or mailbox post break or rot due to lack of maintenance? It happens a lot, but a vinyl mailbox post is almost maintenance-free. Once you have it in place, you need not worry about mildew, fungi, or rot. A vinyl mailbox post can last longer than a wood one.
Modern vinyl mailbox posts are very durable. They can withstand the strong winds and be tough enough for any bad winter storms. The vinyl will not buckle, fade or lose color under the summer sun, as it is UV protected. A vinyl post may last 20 years or even more and save you a lot of trouble.

Stain and Seal a wood post before the summer
Wood can dry out very quickly, especially an older post which has been out in all types of weather. It is a good idea to give the wooden mailbox post a coat of stain and seal before the summer sun gets at it. The UV rays do a lot of damage, and the wood can lose all of its protective oils in the heat.
At Fence Armor® we stock Stain & Seal Experts products for all wooden outdoor structures. Their professional-grade stain and seals go on easily and protect the post through the summer and the winter. Your post may only need a coat every couple of years to keep it safe from damage.

Call us - 888-289-5617
At Fence Armor® we know a lot about protecting a mailbox post. We also see how every mailbox post needs protection from the effects of the weather. Our products will get your post through the winter. Ask our experts for advice. Call us today for all your post protection needs.
Shop Postsaver® - Rot Barrier
Shop Stain & Seal - Wood Stain
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